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Reflection Of Light Refraction of light
Light Beam and Lenses - Physics Light
3211    Arnab De    11/01/2020

Rays of light

The straight line or path between two specific points in a light medium by which light travel is known as a light ray. Light rays a denoted by an arrow line that sets the direction of light. It is a vector quantity.

The set of light rays is known as a light beam. Three types of the light beam are possible

  1. Parallel Light Beam: If each and every light rays in a light beam are parallel to each other then it is known as a parallel light beam. When a light source situated at a long distance then the light beams came from that source is known as a parallel beam. E.g. sunlight.
  2. parallel convergent disvergent
  3. Convergent Light Beam: If light rays of a light beam coming from different directions and meet a point, then such light beam known as a convergent beam.
  4. Divergent Light Beam: If light rays of a light beam coming from a single point and travel in a different direction, then such light beam known as a divergent beam of rays.


Surround by two opposite surfaces, either both curved or one curve and another plane, a piece of transparent material (such as glass) and the homogeneous medium is known as a lens. Lenses are boldly categorised in two types

  1. Convex Lens or converging Lens: If a parallel light beam receives by one side of the lens and releases a convergent light beam from another side of the lens then that lens is known as a convex lens. In these types of lenses, the middle portion is thicker than the outer side.

    E.g : Looking Glass

  2. convex concave lens
  3. Concave Lens or Diverging Lens: If a parallel light beam receives by one side of the lens and releases a divergent light beam from another side of the lens then that lens is known as a concave lens. In these types of lenses, the middle portion is thinner than the outer side.
Reflection Of Light Refraction of light
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Arnab De
I have over 16 years of experience working as an IT professional, ranging from teaching at my own institute to being a computer faculty at different leading institute across Kolkata. I also work as a web developer and designer, having worked for renowned companies and brand. Through tutorialathome, I wish to share my years of knowledge with the readers.
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