Read each word separately from the given sentence and compare to find the word. If it is equal then that word replaced by the given word otherwise restore t ...
2D Array sorting. This is a very easy program. Here we used strcmp() to compare the strings and exchange the string each other with in an array of string.
Read a string from user using gets () function. Now travel the string until a space (ASCII Code 32) found and copy the characters in a variable called word.
We can reverse a string in two different ways (1) using a second character array or string (2) without using a second character array or string.
Read a string from user using gets() function. Now travel the whole string and pick out the first character of every word and convert it into upper case.
Read a string from user using gets() function. Now travel the whole string and check it is an alphabet or Not. If it is an alphabet then check it position.
Arnab De
Travel the whole string and check it is an alphabet or Not. If it is an alphabet then convert into upper case character. Now print the string using puts().
Travel the whole string and check it is an alphabet or not. If it is an alphabet then convert into upper case character. Now print the string using puts().
Read a string from user using gets(). Now travel the whole string and check it is an alphabet or Not. If it is an alphabet then convert into lower case char ...
Write a Program in c to accept a sentence and find the frequency of character in it.
Write a C program to reverse a string. Calculate the length of the string. Copy the characters of the string into another string from the back or in reverse ...
Write a C program to compare two string. First check the length of two string. if length are equal then travel the source strings, and compare the characters
Write a C program to copy a string into another string. Travel the source string, and copy the character one by one into targeted string.
To find out the length of a string, we follow the following step - Declare a counter variable. Travel the string, until the null character return.