Physical Geography
2023    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    30/11/2021
Humidity is the word used to denote the amount of dampness or concentration of water vapour present in the atmosphere and depends on the quantity of water v ...
November, 2021
1828    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    31/10/2021
There are some conditions, which are essential for the formation of clouds and subsequent occurrence of rainfall. Firstly, there should be sufficient water ...
October, 2021
1904    Dibyendu Banerjee    31/08/2021
Lower level clouds lie at an altitudes of 22000 m or lower. They are mostly composed of water droplets. However, when temperatures are cold enough
August, 2021
1373    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    28/07/2021
The clods that form in the middle level of the troposphere and typically found between 6,500 and 20,000 feet (2000 and 6000 m), are known as the Mid level c ...
July, 2021
1585    Dibyendu Banerjee    30/06/2021
The High level clouds, generally above 6000m from the surface, belong to the Cirrus family. Cirrus is a Latin word that stands for a ringlet or a curling lo ...
June, 2021
1976    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    31/05/2021
Clouds are formed due to the rising of warm air. As solar radiation heats the ground, the air immediately above it becomes warm and lighter, , and the flow ...
May, 2021
2227    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    30/04/2021
The pattern of typical winds that we get in a local area is called a local wind. The local winds originate due to the change in air pressure, caused by the ...
April, 2021
2280    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    31/03/2021
A cyclone is a small portion of the atmosphere in which the pressure is lowest in the centre. It is a small low pressure system with winds blowing anticlock ...
March, 2021
1951    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    26/02/2021
The Monsoon is a type of Periodic wind that blows in a particular season of the year. The word monsoon is derived from the Arabic word mousim, meaning season.
February, 2021
3625    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    27/01/2021
Like the land and sea breezes, mountains and the surrounding valleys also have breezes called Mountain and Valley Breezes. They are co-related localized winds.
January, 2021
2857    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    29/12/2020
Secondary Winds, also called Periodic Winds, change their direction periodically, with the change in season, and blow at certain times of the day in a certa ...
December, 2020
3682    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    30/11/2020
The polar winds or polar easterlies flow to the low-pressure areas in sub-polar regions. As they blow from the cold deserts, which are extremely cold and dry.
November, 2020
2529    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    31/10/2020
The Westerliers are anti-trade winds blow from the sub tropical high pressure belts towards the sub polar low pressure belts
October, 2020
2825    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    30/09/2020
The name ‘Trade Winds’ is derived from the nautical expression used by the sailors ‘to blow trade’, meaning to blow along a regular tread or track.
September, 2020
2011    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    31/08/2020
The unequal distribution of heat on the surface of the Earth causes the formation of high and low pressure belts over the Earth.
August, 2020
4527    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    11/07/2020
The belts of sub-polar low pressure are located between 60°-65° latitudes in both the hemispheres. Ordinarily, these cold regions having very low temperature
July, 2020
3660    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    12/06/2020
These two pressure belts lie at about 30°North and South of Equator and are extended up to 60º North and South. Hot air rising from the Equatorial.
June, 2020
6244    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    01/05/2020
At the Equator there is a discontinuous belt of low pressure. Due to the vertical rays of the Sun, the Earth receives maximum heat in this region.
May, 2020
3333    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    29/03/2020
There is a systematic pattern of alternate high and low pressure belts over the surface of the Earth. It is established that, there are altogether seven suc ...
March, 2020
2576    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    28/02/2020
Air pressure is measured with the help of a Barometer, which contains a glass tube with a column of mercury, which rises or falls as the weight of the atmos ...
February, 2020
2151    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    29/01/2020
There is a big gulf of difference in temperature between the thickly foliaged forested regions and the open grounds. Forests are like sponges which retain m ...
January, 2020
2929    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    29/12/2019
Distance from the sea is a determining factor in the overall climate due to the temperature of the ocean currents, caused by the winds that blow over the su ...
December, 2019
2383    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    01/12/2019
Wind is the medium by which water vapour and consequently, temperature variations are moved from one area of the globe to another, creating weather variatio ...
December, 2019
1573    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    21/10/2019
The sun heats the Earth and it causes water on its surface to evaporate and form water vapour. But Air cannot hold the moisture and releases it that cause r ...
October, 2019
3195    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    30/09/2019
Influence of Latitude and altitude on Air Temperature is very important part in geography. As he climbs a mountain, the atmosphere becomes thinner.
September, 2019
7707    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    27/08/2019
Weather is the state or condition of the atmosphere, such as hot or cold, cloudy or sunny, over a short period of time, usually a few hours or a day or so.
August, 2019
6524    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    30/07/2019
The word exosphere is derived from the Greek word exo meaning outside or external. The Exosphere is the very edge of our atmosphere.
July, 2019
4220    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    29/06/2019
The Thermosphere, the second-highest layer of Earths atmosphere, starts from the Mesopause, the top most part of the Mesosphere, at an altitude of about 85 km.
June, 2019
5095    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    26/05/2019
The Mesosphere, the third highest layer of Earth atmosphere, occupies the region above the Stratosphere and below the Thermosphere.
May, 2019
3882    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    20/04/2019
The Stratosphere lies above the Troposphere and extends upwards to about 50 km from the Earth surface. Strato means layered and gases in the Stratosphere ar ...
April, 2019
4139    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    18/03/2019
The Troposphere is the lowest level of Earth atmosphere where we live in. Literally, troposphere means, change. The gases in this level turn and mix.
March, 2019
2418    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    18/02/2019
the atmosphere is a layer of multiple gases that envelops the Earth. Like land and water, the atmosphere is also an important and essential part of the Earth.
February, 2019
6961    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    04/01/2019
The International Date Line, an imaginary line, functions as a line of demarcation separating two consecutive dates. The time difference on either side s 24 ...
January, 2019
6102    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    13/12/2018
Local time of a particular place is determined by the mid-day sun. All places on the same meridian experience noon at the same time. A standard time is foll ...
December, 2018
6705    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    11/11/2018
The Latitudes indicate, how far north or south a particular place is from the Equator. But to accurately spot a place, the north-south lines are needed to ...
November, 2018
14588    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    24/10/2018
The North Pole (90 degree North) and the South Pole (90 degree South) are important Latitudes, since the location of the Equator is obtained from these two ...
October, 2018
5045    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    23/09/2018
The angular distance of a place, north or south of the Equator, is called the 'Latitude' of that place. Between the Equator and the Poles, 90 parallel lines ...
September, 2018
21388    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    11/09/2018
In order to locate correctly each and every place on the surface of the Earth, a network of horizontal and vertical lines is drawn on the globe. This networ ...
September, 2018
2149    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    23/08/2018
The long cherished dream of mankind came true on July 21, 1969, when Neil Armstrong, Mission commander of Apollo 11, placed his foot on the surface of the M ...
August, 2018
4051    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    06/08/2018
Tides are the rise and fall of the sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon, by the Sun and the rotation of ...
August, 2018
3505    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    22/07/2018
This is an eclipse of the moon, which is called a lunar eclipse. When the moon travels completely into the Earth umbra, one observes a total lunar eclipse.
July, 2018
4062    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    08/07/2018
The lighted portion of the Moon we see depends upon its position in the sky in relation to the Earth. As the Moon progresses its journey to circle the Earth.
July, 2018
4204    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    21/06/2018
Since times unknown people gazed at the bright Moon in the night sky and wondered at its beauty. It was an enigma to them.
June, 2018
7433    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    06/06/2018
The position of the earth on 21st June is known as Summer Solstice. On September 23, the Sun rays fall vertically on the Equator. Autumnal Equinox
June, 2018
13981    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    22/05/2018
While spinning on its axis in a west-east direction, the Earth also moves round the Sun in an anticlockwise direction along its 960 million km long elliptic ...
May, 2018
5890    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    04/05/2018
The Earth spins on its axis from west to east at a speed of 1670 km per hour near the equator. This spinning of the Earth on its axis is called Rotation.
May, 2018
5243    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    18/04/2018
The axis of the Earth always points to the Pole Star and remains parallel at every position of the Earth on its orbit. This means, the Earth revolves round ...
April, 2018
3378    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    12/03/2018
Comets are the most exciting heavenly bodies, which used to create lot curiosity in the early days. It exist at the edge or beyond our Solar System.
March, 2018
2097    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    11/03/2018
These are small roaming pieces of solid matter that are unevenly scattered in the Solar System. During Earth’s revolution, some of them come closer t ...
March, 2018
2762    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    09/03/2018
There is a big gulf between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This vast void of more than 550 million km is the domain of numerous tiny dwarfs, known as Aster ...
March, 2018
5366    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    06/03/2018
Eris discovered was confirmed in January 2005. This unique shaped Dwarf Planet was discovered in 2003. Makemake, was first observed in March 2005.
March, 2018
10718    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    24/02/2018
According to the International Astronomical Union, a ‘Dwarf Planet ‘is a celestial body orbiting a star like the planets, but is neither a plane ...
February, 2018
2117    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    23/02/2018
Satellites are small spherical celestial bodies which revolve round a Planet. As a particular Planet revolves round the Sun, its Satellites follow the ...
February, 2018
2622    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    18/02/2018
Though the existence of Neptune was predicted by mathematicians in 1845, it was first seen through a telescope on September 23, 1846, in Berlin.
February, 2018
2925    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    17/02/2018
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun with the third largest diameter in our solar system. It was found in 1781 by astronomer William Herschel.
February, 2018
2719    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    14/02/2018
Adorned with thousands of beautiful ringlets, Saturn, the second largest planet in our solar system, is unique among the planets. It made of rock fragments ...
February, 2018
2579    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    12/02/2018
The biggest planet in the Solar System, It is nearly 780 million km away from the Sun. Apart from Venus and Mars, it is the brightest object in the sky.
February, 2018
2119    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    07/02/2018
The Planet Mars was named after the Romans after their god of war because of its red, blood like colour. The Egyptians named ‘Her Desher,’ mean ...
February, 2018
2708    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    31/01/2018
The Earth, the third planet in line from the Sun, is a unique member of the Solar System. It is 92,955,820 miles or 149,597,891 kilometers away from the sun.
January, 2018
2652    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    29/01/2018
Among all the planets of the solar system, Venus is the brightest and hottest of all. As its orbit is inside the orbit of the Earth, it is closer to the Sun ...
January, 2018
2223    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    28/01/2018
Mercury is the smallest of the planets and is closest to the Sun. Mercury has the longest period of rotation and shortest ‘year’, only 88 days ...
January, 2018
2480    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    21/01/2018
Planets are opaque heavenly bodies that also shine in the night sky. But they have no light of their own, they only reflect the light of the sun.
January, 2018
9846    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    20/01/2018
Is named by the Astronomers as the ’Solar System’. The Sun, the head of the solar family, is the star at the center of the Solar System.
January, 2018
4695    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    09/01/2018
A group of stars that are considered to form the imaginary outlines of a mythological figure or god or animal, or manufactured device, is called a constella ...
January, 2018
2828    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    09/01/2018
Apart from the Sun, the two other main stars are Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. After sun Proxima Centauri is the closest star of the Earth.
January, 2018
2393    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    04/01/2018
The Sun - power source of energy, the head of the solar family, is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is an almost perfectly spherical ball of g ...
January, 2018
2223    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    31/12/2017
A star is a mass of expanding gases. It is a self luminous heavenly body, as it is composed of a hot glowing gaseous mass having an intensely high temperature.
December, 2017
8821    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    29/12/2017
Each galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of millions of Stars and Nebula and the Universe is thought to be built up of millions and billions of such ga ...
December, 2017
4140    Dibyendu Banerjee & Sudipta Banerjee    28/12/2017
Geography can simply be defined as the description of the earth or a systematic study of the earth, which includes its physical features and the inhabitants.
December, 2017
Albert Einstein
I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.
Albert Einstein
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