Some definition related to a lens. Centre of curvature - A lens has two surfaces. Those two surfaces of the lens are the part of two different spheres.
The speed of light in vacuum or air is the maximum. The speed of light In any other transparent media is slower than the speed of light.
When a light ray refracted from a denser medium to lighter medium, then the incidence angle of a denser medium reaches a certain critical value. This angle ...
When a light ray passes through two different medium, then the direction light change on the surface of the 2nd medium. This phenomenon is known refraction ...
The straight line between two points in a light medium is known as a light ray. Surround by two opposite surfaces, both curved piece of transparent medium ...
If a light ray or reflect from a homogeneous medium to another homogeneous medium,This phenomenon is known as a reflection of the light.
Arnab De
Light is an energy which main source is sun. The light source be a point or an area. The Travelling medium of light may be the air or any transparent substance.