We can use this space for sharing the audio. Google drive MP3 player with audio can embeded in any web sites. But that website must supports the <IFRAME& ...
Arnab De
We can playing any audio in html just after page load. We use an <audio> tag with simple javascript or jQuery to playing the audio. to pl
Audio and Video Tag run the audio and video files in our web pages without using a single line code.
Three most common control used in web page is Email, URL, Contact no or Phone no. All of the controls have their own unique style.
HTML5 some new controls which are very useful to design more attractive web forms. Date, Time, Number, Color
In HTML 5 Search Box and range control is introduce. These controls are very useful for application level programming in web.
New attribute in html 5 is Placeholder, Autofocus, Required, DataList
The Meta tag is used within the head tag. This tag generates additional information to the search engine. User cannot see this information’s. but use ...
Comments are very important for any computer language. It is also available in the HTML codes. HTML Comments parts of the codes are not show in the browser.
The <font> tag is used for set the customize font style, color and size differently in the different part of the web page.
Different symbols are insert into the web page by using different codes. Examples & copy; display the © symbol.
Different symbols are insert into the web page by using different codes. Examples & copy; display the © symbol.
In HTML, three types of list is possible. Order list or Numbers <ol>, Unorder list or Bullets <ul> and Definition list <dl>
To formatting the text on web page HTML use the b, em,strong, i,sup,sub, del, code, pre and many others tags.
Arnab De
tag is use for the place a horizontal line on the page. By default the width of the line is 100%. But we can set the width of the line by using width a ...
Paragraph and Line Break are represent by the p tag and br tag respectively in HTML. One paragraph visually look like two break.
Basic colors are not sufficient. We need more and more color for creating a good looking page. For that we use the hex color code.
html, head, title, body are the four html tag. These are the basic tag which may use almost every .html file.
HTML 5.0 Introduction. It is a designer tools of web pages. HTML5 introduce some new elements to design interactive web pages. New HTML tags may include a n ...