We can display the data of the circular singly linklist in two process 1. Front to end 2.End to front. We can easily program it using recursive function.
Insert a new node in a circular link list. We may insert a new node at three different position. 1.Beginning of the list 2.End of the list 3.At any said pos ...
In linear linked list last node is connected to the NULL pointer but in circular linked list last node of the list is connected to the first node of the list.
Sorting the elements of the linear linklist can in two types 1.Ascending Order 2.Descending Order. Here we use selection sort method for sorting the list.
We can reverse the link list elements by adjusting the node references only. That is, change the fist node into last. Change the reference of every node to ...
We can read or display the link list element in two way. 1. Display from first to last 2.Display from last to first. Here we use two recursive function for it.
Delete a node in a linear link list. We can delete a node from different position of the list depend on position or value. Delete from beginning.
Create and insert node in a linear link list. When a list has no any node, i.e. the list is empty or list is NULL then need to create a node.
A linked list is a linear dynamic data structure which is a collection of small block, known as node. A node has two parts - Data Part and Reference Part