Write a program to create a class named Vehicle having protected instance variables regnNumber, speed, color, ownerName and a method showData()
This program is selected from ISC 2016 Computer Science or Class 12 practical paper. Write a program to accept a sentence which may be terminated by either ...
A java program from ISC 2016, Computer Science practical exam. A Circular prime is a prime number that remains a prime under cyclic shifts of its digits.
Write a Java program to transpose of a matrix. Read a matrix as a 2D array. Transpose of a matrix means convert all the rows into columns.
Write a Java program to calculate the Multiplication of two matrix. Read two matrix as two 2D array. Now multiply the array elements as matrix.
Write a java program to exchange the every odd position element with the corresponding even position element. the array may have the odd or even numbers of ...
Here, we use the function overloading procedure in java. Here, we create two methods called Power. First method with 2 parameters and another with 1 parameter.
Arnab De
If any two given number has no common factor except 1 then that pair of the numbers known as co-prime. This numbers are may or may not be a prime number.
Print all tweens primes no between 3 and 100 using java programming. twin prime are those numbers which are prime and having a difference of two between them.
Arnab De
Write a Program in Java to input a number and check whether it is a Disarium Number or not. For example 135 is a Disarium(Workings 1^1+3^2+5^3 = 135, some o ...
Arnab De
Write a Program in Java to input a number and check whether it is a Harshad Number or Niven Number or not. A Harshad number, is divisible by the sum of its ...
Input a number and check and print whether it is a Pronic number or not. (Pronic number is the number which is the product of the two consecutive integers)
create a double dimension array of size m x n, where m and n are input by the user and calculate the sum of the border elements.
Arnab De
create a double dimension array of size 4 x 4 and calculate the sum of the diagonal elements. In a square matrix diagonal elements are two type.
Write a program to input an integer array A[] of n size. Sort the array in ascending order. Then input another number from the user and replace all ...
Extract the individual character from the word using charAt() method and store into a charcter variable called ch. Now compare the ch to max or min and stor ...
Arnab De
Write a program to input a sentence and print the numbers of characters found in the longest word of the given sentence. It is very easy java string program.
Arnab De
An Emirp number is a number which is prime backwards and forwards. Now write a program to check a number is Emirp number or not.
Some Question Answer about core Java and basic object oriented theory and some Interview level Questions for Students. All Interviewer should answer these.
To create a drawing pad using applet we have to import java.awt.*;java.awt.event.*;java.applet.*; packages.
Arnab De
Write a program accept a date [ Format : dd/MM/yyyy ] from the user. Now check if the received date is a valid date or not . [also check for leap year ].
Arnab De
A Kaprekar number for a given base is a non-negative integer, the representation of whose square in that base can be split into two parts that add up to the ...
Accept a number from the user and put into a loop to find the Consecutive Numbers and store the numbers in a string. Now print the string a result.
Write a programme to print the following pattern using row and column
Accept a string as telegram message and the character (n for normal and e for express) to calculate the telegram charge.
This is a very easy programme. Just create a object of Scanner class and read a string. Now use the replace() method of the String class.
As we already extends Applet class, we cannot extends another class called Thread. But we can implements the Runnable interface.
Create a string array by populating the month name. Now accept the month name from user and match it to the array. If match it then print the (index+1) as a ...
Now as we know, String is not a mutable, we convert the string into a StringBuffer Object. Now easily use the selection sort method on the StringBuffer object.
97 is the ASCII (American Standred Code for Information Interchange) code of small a. If we increment the character variable then it turn to 98.
Arnab De
create a method called IsPrime() to check a number is prime or not. In main method we accept a number and cut the digit from last for check it is prime or not.
Arnab De
Split the given sting by space (" ") character. and store into a string array. Now get the first character of each word, except last word, followed by a dot ...
Arnab De
simple convert the digits into words and print it. In others way, here we convert the numbers into words properly. and according to me This is the correct way.
Put identical or common array elements of two array X[] and Y[] into an another single dimensional arrays Z[]. Print All Three Arrays elements one after an ...
A number is said to be neon, if sum of all digits of square of the number is equal to the number. Input 9, square = 81 = 8+1 = 9 ( So 9 is a Neon Number )
A Number is said to be perfect if sum of all factors excluding itself should be equal to the number. 6 is a perfect no because, sum of the factors is (1+2+ ...
Arnab De
Menu driven program is coded using switch-case. It may write in two way 1) Write the program in switch-case 2) Write methods and call it from methods
Arnab De
In relation to function calling, parameters are two types. Actual parameters are situated in caller method and formal parameters are written in called function.
Arnab De
A Smith number is a composite number, the sum of whose digits is the sum of the digits of its prime factors obtained as a result of prime factorization (ex ...
Write a program in java to find out the frequency of words in a sentence. Here we use the for each loop which is introduce in jdk1.5 version.
Write a program in java to find out the frequency of specified words in a sentence and also search the word by ignoring the case of the characters.
Write a program in java to find out the frequency of words and space in a sentence. Here we use the split method and length property of array.
We can create a custom exception in java. For that, we have to inherit the Exception class of java library.
For that we first know the mathematical definition of the numbers after then we must think how we can represent programmatically.
To find the character frequency we have to accept a string from the user by the method nextLine().
In the Java Applet, all the methods are called sequentially. The sequences of the methods are init() : This method called ones in the applet life cycle. Whe ...
Multi purpose java programs are describe follow for the all students who are study java in any classes. This programs are use easiest syntax and logic for t ...
Arnab De
In Java, Multiple inheritances are not supported. But if we what to implement the same then we have to create an interface.
Arnab De
The java package is a collection of similar types of classes. Like other built-in classes in Java, we can also create our own packages. In those packages, w ...
Arnab De
Inheritance is also known as parent-child relationship or IS-A relationship. Protected member of the super class acts as a public member in the child class.
Arnab De
WBUT or West Bengal University of technology is conducted MCA. For WBUT students we published previous year solved JAVA papers. Here we discuss the Java ass ...
WBUT or West Bengal University of technology is conducted MCA. For WBUT students we published previous year solved JAVA papers. Here we discuss the Java pap ...
WBUT or West Bengal University of technology is conducted MCA. For WBUT students we published previous year solved JAVA papers. Here we discuss the Java pap ...
WBUT or West Bengal University of technology is conducted MCA. For WBUT students we published previous year solved JAVA papers. Here we discuss the Java pap ...
We can handle normal text file in java. For that, we must import java.io package. and create an object of the File class.
Using java built-in methods we can slove different java string related programs. Most of the difficult java programs can solve by those methods.
Some Other string methods substring, split, join, equals, equalsIgnoreCase, replaceFirst, replace and replaceAll
In java library, numbers of built-in java methods are available for handling a string. If we use those methods properly then any string problem can solve by ...
If the function or method declared as static or final then that method cannot be overridden. Static methods can redesign but not overridden.
In Object oriented programming, we can create a class by inheriting the structure of another class. This is known as inheritance.
Two or functions or method with same name but different signature or header, can define within a class in Java. This programming concept is known as functio ...
Arnab De
Some mathematical numbers are identified by different names. example are Prime, Automorphic, Perfect, Smith, Special etc.
Some basic program which are print the different parttern. Here we use the "for loop" for the same.
Some basic program which are print the different pattern. Here we use the "for loop" for the same.
Some basic program which are print the different parttern. Here we use the "for loop" for the same.
Arnab De
All The program of the series addition or multiplication is based on some mathematical logic.
In Java, Codes are compiled by java compiler (javac) and generate an intermediate object codes known as Byte code.
Methods or functions are the collection of statements in a group. It perform the specific goal as per requirement.
Arnab De
Constructor is method in a class which is initialised object variables, when an object is create.
Arnab De
Java Examples : if-else Programs
Any real entity of the world which has its own unique characteristic (state and behavior) is called an objects and set of same type of object called class
Java is a widely used object oriented language. It used in 3 billion devices. Specially now a days all the mobile app are created by java.