Python Language
1566    Arnab De    16/02/2021
Write a Python program to add ‘ing’ at the end of a given string (length should be at least 3). If the given string already ends with ‘ing’ then add ‘ly’ in ...
February, 2021
1248    Arnab De    29/01/2021
Write a Python program to input a sentence from the user and then create an encoded version of the sentence by using the following rules.
January, 2021
1116    Arnab De    18/01/2021
replace() function in python is used for replace the charecter or a set of charecter(called string) with other chracter or set of character of a specified s ...
January, 2021
1489    Arnab De    06/01/2021
Here we print a triangle using numbers. Each row content (row*2)-1 nos of columns. Now we draw the requried spaces in the patterns and create the pyramids.
January, 2021
1085    Arnab De    17/12/2020
Write a program to input a name from user, now convert the name into initial format. capitalize() methods and splid() method use for this program.
December, 2020
1301    Arnab De    09/12/2020
Write a Python program to input a number and count the number of digits which are multiple of 3. For eg if the number is 2368965, then the output will be 4.
December, 2020
1015    Dibyendu Banerjee    09/12/2020
Write a program to input the lower and upper limits of a range of numbers (including the limits), and then print only those numbers in that range whose su ...
December, 2020
1476    Arnab De    19/11/2020
Write a program to input an even number N from the user. Next using a loop simultaneously generate all numbers from (N//2-1) to 1 and (N//2+1) to (N-1).
November, 2020
1013    Arnab De    16/11/2020
Write a Python program to initialise a list with the following values in the code: L = [6, 8, 23, 45, 27, 4, 19, 34, 24, 5, 20, 10, 32, 15, 18, 21].
November, 2020
1134    Arnab De    16/11/2020
In this program, we should accept a string using input() method. Now read the line character by character and count the consonant characters (which are not ...
November, 2020
997    Arnab De    16/11/2020
In this program, we should accept a string using input() method. Now read the line character by character and count the vowel character (a, e, i, o, u) in it.
November, 2020
1152    Arnab De    15/10/2020
Write the Python code to generate the terms of the following series up to n terms (n is user input) using a for loop and find the sum of the terms of the se ...
October, 2020
3527    Arnab De    13/10/2020
Write Python code to print terms of the Lucas Series up to n terms Also, find the sum of the even value and odd value terms.
October, 2020
1227    Arnab De    23/09/2020
Write a python program to print the pattern shown in diagram. Number of column in a row is equal to the row number.
September, 2020
1057    Arnab De    23/09/2020
Write a python program to print the pattern shown in diagram. Number of column in a row is equal to the row number.
September, 2020
1051    Arnab De    23/09/2020
Write a python program to print the pattern shown in diagram. Number of column in a row is equal to the row number.
September, 2020
1073    Arnab De    23/09/2020
First two numbers of the fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1. Each numbers of the fibonacci sequence genarated by adding the previous two numbers.
September, 2020
1051    Arnab De    19/09/2020
WAP in python to find the divisor of A Number, WAP in python to check a number is prime or not and WAP in python to print all prime numbers from 10 to 100.
September, 2020
5331    Arnab De    12/09/2020
Write a program to find out the sum of the digits of a number. Write a program to find out reverse of a number. Write a program to check a number is palindr ...
September, 2020
1025    Arnab De    12/09/2020
Write a program in Python to swap two given numbers. Swap numbers is very easy in python.
September, 2020
1199    Arnab De    11/09/2020
If-else is the basic decision making block in python. We can use one or more conditions to take a decision, if this particular block is executed or not.
September, 2020
1208    Arnab De    05/09/2020
In any computer programming language, data type defines how a data store in memory. How much memory size occupied by a data is also determined by data types.
September, 2020
998    Arnab De    04/09/2020
Python is a high-level language. It is a general-purpose language, we can use this to develop any kind of apps. Python is a very easy to learn and open-source.
September, 2020
Albert Einstein
Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Albert Einstein
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