If a number has only two factors, 1 & itself, then that number known as Prime Number. In others words, we can say that, a prime no cannot be divided by any ...
Distinguish between Automatic and Static variables. Write two C programs that calculate factorial of a number using recursion and iteration?
Open a file pointer in write mode (numbers.txt). Closed the said file pointer. Open the same file again but in read mode. Open another two file in write mode
If we divide a integer number by 10. Then the reminder will be the last digit of the number and result will be the remaining digit.
We can reverse a string in two different ways- (i) Using another string (ii) without using second string. As per question here no need to write the main() f ...
do-while and while both are loop or iteration in c language, But they are differently way of execute the loop. One is entry loop another is known as exit loop.
First analysis the pattern, each and every line start with 1. After printting each time value is inverse. Print [Total No. of row - current no of row] space.
Write a program to accept a number and find sum of its individual digits repeatedly till the result is a single digit. [MAKAUT / WBUT MCA 2011]
For binary search, we have to take an array which is sorted in asending order. If given array is not sorted, then we have to sort it by any sorting technique.
Enumeration (enum) is a ADT (Abstruct Data Type) or user defined data type in C. Enumeration is assign names (String) to its corresponding integral constants.
To save memory space C language uses some procedure to allocate memory at run time. This type of memory allocation is known as Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Write a C program to accept a number and find sum of its individual digits repeatedly till the result is a single digit. [WBUT MCA 2011]
The GCD of two no is the largest positive no by which all the no are divisible. The LCM of two no is the smallest positive no that is divisible by the given no.
Structure and class are user defined data type or Abstract Data Type. To declare a class and a structure we use the keyword class and struct respectively.
Write a c program to convert a binary numbers to equivalent decimal number. [WBUT MCA 2011]. base 2 number system convert into base 10 number system.