Read each word separately from the given sentence and compare to find the word. If it is equal then that word replaced by the given word otherwise restore the previous word. In last print the result.
#include<stdio.h> void main() { char str[100],word[50],findw[50],replacew[50],strres[100]; int i,j; strcpy(strres,""); printf("Enter String :"); gets(str); strcat(str," "); printf("Enter word for search: "); gets(findw); printf("Enter a word for replace: "); gets(replacew); j=0; for(i=0;str[i]!='\0';i++) { if(str[i]==' ') { word[j]='\0'; if(strcmp(word,findw)==0) { strcat(strres,replacew); } else { strcat(strres,word); } strcat(strres," "); j=0; } else { word[j++]=str[i]; } } printf(" Result is : "); puts(strres); getch(); }