We can create a custom exception handling in java. For that, we have to inherit the Exception class of java library. Here we explain some program which describes the custom Exception. We must display a valid statement for the exception. For that, we create a Class which extends Exception class.
class AgeBelow0 extends Exception
private int age;
AgeBelow0(int a)
age = a;
public String toString()
return "Age can Not Be " + age;
class TestAgeBelow0
static void age(int a) throws AgeBelow0
System.out.println("Called age(" + a + ")");
if(a < 0)
throw new AgeBelow0(a);
System.out.println("Normal exit");
public static void main(String args[])
catch (AgeBelow0 e)
System.out.println("Caught " + e.toString());
Called age(10)
Normal exit
Called age(-20)
Caught Age can Not Be -20