We can use some basic color for the web design.
We can use the colors by its name or by the Hex codes.
But these are not sufficient. We need more and more color for creating a good looking page. For that we use the hex code. Hex codes are started with a # (hash) sign other three part.
These parts are respectively define the colour depth of the Red, Green, Blue. The minimum and maximum value of the every color is 0 and 255. If convert the range in hexadecimal then the range is 0 to FF.
This hexadecimal system is compatible with the all leading browsers. That is why colour’s generated by thissystem is called true colour’s . this use the following format. First two digit specified for red, second part specified for green and third part specify for blue.
If we use the same value for the both of the digit of any segment then we can use it ones. i.e. #FFAA77 is equivalent to #FA7.
Every combination of the digit creates a unique colour shade. But after various experiment 22 colors are declared s safe color. i.e. this colors remain same in any situation for any devices.