Tutorial Topics
hex color code Elements: Horizontal Line
Paragraph and Line Break - HTML 5
2532    Arnab De    04/05/2017


Paragraph and Line Break are represent by the

tag respectively in HTML. These are the basic tag which may use almost every .html file.

use for create a paragraph in the web page. This tag ends with the

. But if we forget to end a paragraph and start another then it is not show any error. Although as per standard we always close the paragraph. This tag moves the text on next line and place a blank line between two paragraphs. We can set the paragraph alignment by changing the value of align attribute. By default this value set to left. But it support following four value

  1. left
  2. right
  3. center
  4. justify


On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

paragraph align
Paragraph Align

In HTML we cannot placed any new line or break line without the
tag. This tag breaks the continuous flow of the cursor. It can apply on the text as well as on the any other component on the webpage. This tag moves the cursor on the next line but not placed any blank line between the text.


On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document.
On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

paragraph break
Paragraph Break
hex color code Elements: Horizontal Line
Author Details
Arnab De
I have over 16 years of experience working as an IT professional, ranging from teaching at my own institute to being a computer faculty at different leading institute across Kolkata. I also work as a web developer and designer, having worked for renowned companies and brand. Through tutorialathome, I wish to share my years of knowledge with the readers.
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